“We Love Green : quand la musique se met au vert”

“We Love Green: when the music goes green”

Posted by Marketing Melissa on

This weekend, ecology took center stage in the Bois de Vincennes . Like every year, the We Love Green festival is surrounded by big international names who come to set the capital on fire! For this ninth edition, Angèle, PNL, Juliette Armanet, Phoenix and even Disclosure came to support the festival. And it was Gorillaz who had the honor of opening this Thursday, June 2, replacing his concert canceled due to the pandemic.
From its first edition in 2011, We Love Green has established itself as a festival placing eco-responsibility at the heart of the event with a commitment to collective reflection on the future of events in the face of global warming.
The event is organized with the aim of combining music and respect for the environment, while participating in the innovation of green energy. We Love Green multiplies its eco-responsible actions each year and becomes “a veritable laboratory for experimenting with sustainable development solutions for the event sector and performing arts”.
The scenography was made from recycled materials. A carbon balance was carried out in order to precisely establish the impact of the event and solar panels were also installed. Everything has been thought out by the teams to make this event as green as possible.
In addition, eco-responsible initiatives were given pride of place! Backmarket , the number 1 for refurbished, offered to repair our phones for free. Levis , the iconic jeans brand, has set up DIY activities to bring our flagship pieces back to life! And Naturalia, historical partner of the festival, offered us tastings of products from committed and vegan brands, make-up workshops and even temporary tattoos.
Finally, the possibility of exchanging 2 eco-cups on deposit for 1 plant was one more reason to keep your glass in hand!
Thanks to its partners such as BackMarket, Ecosia, le Monde and many others, We Love Green gave us a magical moment that we will never forget! For the less fortunate, it was quite possible to follow the concerts live or in replay on the We Love Green TV platform, an initiative that won us over!
See you next year for an even greener event !

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